Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Message in a Bottle

     A message to future self:  My plan is to go to college and get a Bachelor of Science in Game Development.  You best have done that so Outbreak can be made more easily.  If you won the lottery, you best have put the money in good interest and protect it the best you can so you can live off the interest as well as use the interest to start the company.  Otherwise, Ernst, Justin, Nick, Ben, and yourself, assuming they are still with you, will need to put money down to start up, including the web info and decided a location to set up, preferably around the Rockies or some other "deserted" area so that you have room to expand, as well as maybe even set up your own city and gain political power through that, using the company to fund a good portion of it so that the citizens are happy and don't have as much in taxes for the local area to worry about.  Using the increase income, though, that the company will gain in the long run, use it to spread to more than just video games.  If you stick to just five people (listed with those who put money down), then you may not need to pay more than $500,000 or so dollars in total from the company per year to live comfortably, which the rest would be towards the company itself to grow, say if Outbreak scores big and makes $2.5 million in 2 or 3 years.  To work on Outbreak, about $1.5 will go towards the game and paying those working on it for 2-3 years.  The additional $1.0 will go for expanding the company, perhaps starting Death's Eternity or O2.  Merchendise will help, too, so don't forget it, as you could probably bring in a few mil (rough estimate of $1.5 mil a year for the first few years).  And special credits towards weapons, equipment, and other stuff in game that are otherwise "off limits" will bring, after the first year or two, about $1.0-$2.0 a year, which will help pay to keep the game up and updating it for many years to come.

     When the company becomes stable, move on to make the next series of games, which are coded and, as far as I plan, should remain in that game binder (color may be different now, but was originally black).  Do not ever forget the order (O1, DE, O2, OO, O3). The OMP may be considered a separate game, but should be free with buying any one of the games, since the MP for them all are all connected.  The only difference is when you jump on the servers, the weapons you get to use are what you've "bought" when you paid for the game, so the player isn't buying a completely new MP, just weapons for OMP as well as the campaign to play.  All of the games should be connected to a main database so the players can quickly jump between games, something like Steam/Origins and Battlelog (Battlefield 3) combined, so the player, using the site, can jump to O1 Campaign (Solo/MP) to Multiplayer/Zombies to O2 Campaign, etc etc.  The player isn't limiting their time with having to completely switch games by stopping their current and having to load another: Instead they just go to a menu, go to a game menu on it, and switch from there.  In this process, we can make it so players on OMP can also switch servers in the middle of game with minimal loading screens and delay.

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Push the Objective" - Battlefield 3 Rush Song by Twin


The objective's down by the squads on the rush
Are the soldiers still fighting here?
'Cause no sign of life, the coast is clear
Get to the next objective

Oh, and we get there, the bullets fly by
The battle has intensified, so push the objective
Rush passed the fire into the building with the next site
Destroy the intelligence and push the objective


The battle wages on, the mission's nearly over
Says the man on the comms radio
Soldiers drop to their feet, like flies in a summer's heat
Just get to the next objective

Oh, and we get there, the bullets fly by
The battle has intensified, so push the objective
Rush passed the fire into the building with the next site
Destroy the intelligence and push the objective

It blows, we cheer, the war is nearly over
They run away from advancing forces
When they fall back, we keep pushing ahead
They run away

Yeah! It blows, we cheer, the war is finally over
They stop fighting, they cannot win
When they stop fighting, we have finally won
They have lost


This song is a parody of "Orchard of Mines" by Asia.  It is done with the Battlefield 3 Rush game mode in mind.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Story with Each Letter

     Appearing from the horizon, a man came stumbing to the city.  Beaten by a familiar source, he fell to the ground as people rushed out to help him.  "Cave trolls," he whispered to the first two people who helped him to his feet.
     "Dangerous beasts to run into," said Galio, one of the men helping him to his feet.  "Either you are lucky or they were stupider than normal cave trolls."
     Fear washed across the people's faces as they saw the beaten and bloodied man taken to the inn.  Galio and Zale helped the man into an available room and requested a healer to mend his wounds.  Heavy wounds as they were, the healer was able to save the man.  In thanks for saving him, the man offered his service to the city and its Jarl.
     Jarl Hasenfert set a bounty on the cave troll and he requested to take care of it.  Keen to see the deed done, no matter who did it, Elisif only told him to take Galio and Zale with him so that if anything happens, he won't be killed in vain.  Lingual in his body motion, she could tell that he was ready to go.
     Mead filled his belly before taking off, that way the cold wouldn't bother him as much.  Nords can generally stand the cold well, but this year's weather has been colder.  "Over this hill is the cave the troll is in.  Prepare for battle."
     Quick were they to get to the cave entrance.  Right inside the cave was the troll, sleeping on the stone floor.  Stealthily, they got next to the troll.  Tearing the knife from it's holster, the man killed the troll, preventing it from even fighting back to preserve their safety.
     Unified cheer welcomed them when they got back to the city.  Very good mead was offered to them for their deed, which they happily accepted.  With a cheer of their own, they took a drink of the mead.  Xella, the barmaid, handed him, Galio, and Zale drinks on the house.  Yellow mead with fine seasons, the barmaid's own concoction.  Zale took a drink.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lost with Three Songs

     The storm hit fast.  Before we could get back to land, the storm set in and made it dangerous to be out on the sea.  My friends and I couldn't even stand on the fishing boat as the waves crashed into the side of the boat.  The boat's hull was starting to become breached, about to take on water.  In the distance was an island, like a haven from the darkness that was surrounding us.  We set the ship to head towards the island and water breached the hull.  It was clear the ship wouldn't last long as the breach became wider every minute.  Lightning struck the pole for the sail.  It was becoming extremely dangerous now.  The island was getting closer and the ship was getting lower.  The bottom of the ship hit the shallow water of the island, putting us a few hundred feet out from the shore.  The ship felt as though it was ready to tip over because of the wind and waves.  Quickly, we each got a knapsack and filled them with food, drink, fire starters, tools, and hatchets.  I also put my MP3 player and a few packs of AAA batteries in mine.  Nick grabbed a backpack with an inflatable raft in it.  We grabbed two tarps, one tarp per pair of people, to carry to shore.  As soon as we got off the ship and about twenty feet from it, it tipped over on its side.  There was no way we could use the ship to get back in its current condition.

     Once we got to land, the storm had settled to nothing more than rain.  We had food and water for now, so that wasn't a concern.  However, the sky, though dark from the storm clouds, was starting to give a slight orange hue, signifying that the sun was close to setting.  Ernst went to search for dry wood to start a fire while nick, Justin, and I set up the tarps to make some form of shelter using the trees near the beach to hold up one and set the other on the ground.  It wasn't much, but it would have to do as a shelter for the time being.

     While we waited for Ernst to return with dry wood, I looked in my knapsack for my MP3 player.  It had suffered water damage, but still turned on.  However, most of the songs on it had become corrupted.  Only three songs were not corrupted.  They were "Death Waltz" by John Stump, "Fantasie Impromptu" by Frederic Chopin, and "And He Returned" from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest remade by OverClocked Remix.  The storm had subsided.  Ernst returned with a bit of dry wood and we started a fire.  We discussed how we planned to get off this island, and Nick pointed out he had grabbed the inflatable raft.  The raft was our only way back to mainland, but it would only be able to take two people safely across to get help and hold enough supplies at that for two or three days, enough for them to survive as we calculated how far we must have gone.  We decided Justin and Nick would go to land to get help for Ernst and myself.

     The next day, the water was calm and Justin and Nick set off to mainland.  Ernst and I had almost enough supplies for a few days ourselves if we ate very little and drank very little, but that wouldn't do.  I began to look for a source of water while he searched for food.  After what seemed like hours, I found a stream in the forest.  I had to be about half a mile from the camp.  I filled the bottles with the fresh water and, using my hatchet, chopped a bunch of markers into the nearly trees and started to head off in the general direction of the camp, chopping a mark into a tree here and there to mark my way.  Ernst was already back at camp cooking two rabbits when I returned.  I pulled out a bottle of the water and handed it to him and told him about the markings I made on the trees toward the water source whenever we run low on water.  He took one of the cooked rabbits off the fire and handed it to me.  For being partially burnt, it was good and saved use of our emergency supply of food.

     A week passed before the helicopter came.  In that time, not much had happened, minus light rain every down and then.  It was good to be going home, though, because I got tired of listening to the same three songs soon enough that I started listening to the sound of the sea., a peaceful sound.  Maybe I will one day get a vacation home on a beach somewhere, maybe this island if I can ever afford it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Is There Life Out There?

Ever been asked the question, "Do you believe there is life out there?"  Some people, such as myself, think about it constantly.  As in the movie Contact, Ellie Arroway says, "I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though. The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?" (  The quote is quite right: If the universe is so large, how can we be the only intellectual life in the universe?  Scientists have already proven bacteria found on the Moon are similiar to some bacteria found on Earth.  What's to say that bacteria came from a different part of the universe happened to be launched at the Earth when the Moon supposedly crashed into Earth long ago.  Ultimately that states that if bacteria came from somewhere else, it is possible that life evolved elsewhere, too.  They don't have to be human in nature, either.  Lifeforms evolve to adapt to their environment, not the way we want them to.  So on a planet that is too hostile for human life, aliens can flourish.  They still have a chance to be intelligent, maybe moreso than us, maybe less.  Who knows what we will find out there.  I believe there is life out in the universe, both smarter and dumber than us.  Just if we can find it will be harder to know, if not they find us first.