Monday, April 2, 2012

Is There Life Out There?

Ever been asked the question, "Do you believe there is life out there?"  Some people, such as myself, think about it constantly.  As in the movie Contact, Ellie Arroway says, "I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though. The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?" (  The quote is quite right: If the universe is so large, how can we be the only intellectual life in the universe?  Scientists have already proven bacteria found on the Moon are similiar to some bacteria found on Earth.  What's to say that bacteria came from a different part of the universe happened to be launched at the Earth when the Moon supposedly crashed into Earth long ago.  Ultimately that states that if bacteria came from somewhere else, it is possible that life evolved elsewhere, too.  They don't have to be human in nature, either.  Lifeforms evolve to adapt to their environment, not the way we want them to.  So on a planet that is too hostile for human life, aliens can flourish.  They still have a chance to be intelligent, maybe moreso than us, maybe less.  Who knows what we will find out there.  I believe there is life out in the universe, both smarter and dumber than us.  Just if we can find it will be harder to know, if not they find us first.

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